Vlčkovce Grove (Vlčkovce, Majcichov)

Forests which used to cover the territory of Danubian Lowland remained preserved in a partially modified form only in several places. The protected site Vlčkovce Grove situated near the left bank of Dudváh on the boundary of cadastral areas Vlčkovce and Majcichov represents one of them. The subject matter of protection is a relict of oak-elm-ash bottomland forest with occurrence of endangered flora and fauna species. Trees dominating the forest cover are Quercus robur, Quercus cerris, Aesculus hippocastanum, Acer campestre, Ulmus procera, Fraxinus excelsior, and Populus nigra. From bushy plants, mainly Euonymus europeus, Swida sanguinea and Ligustrum vulgare can be found in the grove. There is also high occurrence of Galanthus nivalis. Among characteristic animals of Vlčkovce Grove some species of invertebrates, small songbirds, reptiles, beasts of prey, mammals, and also Capreolus capreolus and Vulpes vulpes can be mentioned. The simplest access to the protected site leads from Majcichov. Remnants of Great Moravian hillfort were found in the vicinity of Vlčkovce Grove, as well.



Vlčkovce Grove (Vlčkovce, Majcichov)



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