The Choosing of "Pink Virgin" in Trstín

In 1837, Imrich Štvrtecký, the vicar of Trstín, founded the choosing of "pink virgin" tradition, which, however, differed in many respects from nowadays election of Miss World. Every girl aged 17 to 25 years who have excelled in rectitude, intellect, religious and moral life could be chosen. However, candidates were not allowed to stay long at dances, overly flirt with young boys and not at all to meet with them at night. The right to vote was given to priest, organist, notary, mayor, sworn officers and other men in the village who owned a house. The winner received a pink wreath and 100 gold, which the mayor kept safe in the municipal treasury. The girl was given her reward at her wedding or on reaching the 28th year of life. If in mean time, she committed an offence against good manners, the reward was forfeit to the municipality.


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